Invest in a Real Asset
- low volatility, uncorrelated returns
Safe haven
Inflation hedge
Long-term tail winds
Low volatility
Uncorrelated returns
Safe haven Inflation hedge Long-term tail winds Low volatility Uncorrelated returns
Diversify beyond public equities and fixed income.
Farmland has outperformed all major assets, including commercial real estate, for over 30 years.
Average return
Sharpe Ratio
Correlation to CPI
US Stocks
US Bonds
Real Estate
Data are based on annual total returns from January 1, 1992 through December 31, 2022. See footer for sources.
Strong Performance
Farmland has demonstrated strong absolute returns over the past several decades. It averaged ~11% total annual returns (income + price appreciation) from 1992 to 2022.
Data are based on annual total returns from January 1, 1992 through December 31, 2022. See footer for sources.
Diversification and Uncorrelated Returns
Farmland has consistently performed well amidst unprecedented market volatility. Its’ value is underpinned by farmland’s crucial role in the global economy: the need to feed a growing population. Like gold, farmland is also a scarce commodity. Unlike gold, the total supply of farmland is decreasing and it offers investors both appreciation and income.
Data representative through December 2022.
Source: NCREIF
Farmland returns have been historically uncorrelated to conventional assets, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate, and broader market indices, providing investors with welcome diversification.
Data are based on annual total returns from January 1, 1992 through December 31, 2022. See footer for sources.
What Sets Acre Growth Apart
Expert investment team with over $1B of collective capital deployed.
An investment approach emphasizing long-term alignment and sustainability.
Strategic partnerships fostered with experienced farmers.
Farmer-focused: we prioritize the needs and values of the farmers we collaborate with.
Thorough due diligence on every aspect of farm and partnership.
Contact us
Asset class performance calculations: Average Annual Return: The average annual return for the respective asset class calculated as the geometric mean of the annual returns from 1992 - 2022. Volatility: The volatility of the annual returns for each respective asset class from 1992 - 2022. Sharpe Ratio: Measure of risk-adjusted return calculated by subtracting the risk-free rate from the specific asset's average annual return divided by its volatility. Correlation to CPI: Correlation of the respective asset class' annual returns and the Consumer Price Index Annual Average 12-Month Percent Change.
Sources for asset class performance data: Privately Held U.S. Farmland - NCREIF Farmland Index; Privately Held U.S. Commercial Real Estate - NCREIF Real Estate Index; Stocks - S&P 500 Total Return Index; Bonds - Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Index; Gold - LBMA Precious Metal Prices. Indexes are unmanaged and not available for direct investment.
Important disclosure: historical data is not indicative of future results and may not reflect fees which may reduce actual returns. Any historical information is illustrative in nature and may not represent future results, therefore any investor investing through AcreGrowth may experience different returns from examples and projections provided on the website. You should not make investment decisions based solely on the information and charts contained in this website.